Machining services
Technology, professionalism and expertise from development to delivery
Making of highly technological precision mechanical components.
Complete know-how and mechanical equipment machining.
Management and assembly of full assembled units, according to the specifications.
Design applied to industrial automation.
Implementation of manufacture and production cycles.
Company mission
Being the supplier of leading companies in their sector as a global partner
We believe in teamwork to build your business , providing our clients with our expertise, organizational capacity and market orientation in a competitive framework where the organization of production is a necessary strategy to be competitive.
Our strong determination, the use of advanced techniques, the selection, training and accountability of our staff have always been the guidelines for the consolidation of the company in the market, where the customer satisfaction plays a fundamental role for success.
We are able to deliver any kind of mechanical parts or assembled units at the time agreed and with budget control, according to the technical specifications required by the costumer, starting from engineering drawings and a bill of materials in any format.
Production categories
Energy sector
Paper and tissue
Aeronautical and aerospace
The corporate structure complies with standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, certificated since 2000 by RINA S.p.A. (Certificate no. 4319/00/S).
Compliance with the law and the contractual regulations.
Raising awareness among the employees through specific training programs for the constant improvement of services.
Interested parties satisfaction (suppliers, clients, employees and partners).
Care of communication with costumers and of the services addressed to them.
Internal audits coordinated by the Quality System Manager.
Our Strong Points
We are convinced that assembled mechanical groups are the foundamental part of our productions, in particular the equipment for production systems and machinery, along with the full automatic machines fabrication and assembly , as required by client specifications. This is our core business established in more than ten years.
We are counting on people, not on strategies.

The organization is composed by continuously trained, motivated and expert employees coordinated by a technical director and 5 technical administrative employees.

Machines, managerial and production areas are interconnected by the latest computer protocols, in order to predict changes in production and manage any critical area of the production process.

The company has a new and modern structure located in an area of over 10000 m2 equipped with state-of-the-art plants, technologies and facilities.

About us
CO.ME.P. was founded in 1989 by the will of Pallavicino partners coming from a long-term technical and commercial experience in the machining services field. In these years the company went from the aeronautical sector to the telecommunications/electronic one by focusing in the industrial automation field. In 2006, thanks to the acquired know-how, the company brought about a radical change by increasing the services offered to the costumers: not only mechanical parts, but also assembled units as required by clients. These years led to increased experience in the hydraulic, food and packaging sectors and more specifically in automatic machines. In 2013, the second generation joined the company, a process completed in 2017 with the arrival of two specialized engineers in the managerial and mechanical sector. The perfect synergy between the two generations has led to a substantial increase in the productive, technological and managerial capacity of the organization. For all these reasons, along with a close cooperation with leading companies in their sector – whose production process is characterized by a high level of complexity and coordination – CO.ME.P. has established itself as assembled mechanical groups supplier in the Italian and European market, specializing on providing solutions and in the manufacture and assembly of full automatic machines.